The perception of half travelled journey.

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One most important reality of life must be the learning process that continues for the whole life. I have learnt this fact from an aged Sardar whom we approached as property dealer. The person must have been retired long ago if he had been in any Govt. job. The Sarder spent almost half of the day in showing us number of houses and we rejected each of those. Towards the end of the day I shared few words with him sympathizing for wasting his valuable time. The Sardar replied with a smile that we get to learn something new in each and every day.


I wondered looking at the old age of the person and thinking of what more remains to learn at his age? I have seen many of my colleagues in office joining into different courses such as MBA or Ph D, etc. to enhance their qualifications with an objective to get a higher post or promotion. But the kind of learning as mentioned by the Sardar must be an exception.


I had a similar experience while visiting the River Island ‘Majuli’ in Assam for some documentary shoot. We stayed on a guest house of a Monastery. One night we were so late after the shooting and the kitchen of the guest house was already closed. We tried for some hotel or restaurant nearby but we were so late that couldn’t find any. By the time our search was on some local villagers noticed our condition and came for our resort. The villagers arranged food for us in a house of someone among them. Feeling gratified I wished to offer some money on return but an old age villager replied that money doesn’t work in Majuli. I always remind that statement by an old age villager observing the mercenary behavior of people in city life.


In fact our perception towards life always seems to be incomplete as our journey of life yet to be completed. We most often face extraordinary situation and uncommon people while travelling in the journey of life. We learn something new in each and every day as mentioned by the Sardar in the very beginning. Finally our perception till date is based on our half travelled journey of life.


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