Newsletter | My Why – A Thoughtful Place

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Good morning. I hope this finds you doing well. About 8 months ago I took a leap of faith in another direction and started my newsletter. I can’t believe it’s been that long. For years, this blog has been a creative outlet, a way to contribute to my family and most of all, a place to connect with all of you. What has fueled me all of these years, is the sense of community and connectedness. While I love sharing ideas and things we find useful, I certainly value knowing we are not alone on this journey.

Most of you know that we’ve endured a significant amount of loss (Alzheimer’s journey). Losing my brother and parents rocked me to my core and created a laser focus on what matters most. It’s because of that, that I treasure time with my little family and dear friends. And in a sense, I feel like many of the topics I would like to chat about are better suited for a newsletter than a blog. Opening up about subjects that I am wrestling with or topics dear to my heart feels natural to me and it’s been a wonderful way to connect more deeply with you. I love nothing more than when you reach out because a particular story resonated or maybe you feel differently but it sparks a wonderful conversation. That is the good stuff.

If you have not already, I would love for you to join us. I send out a letter each Thursday evening. The format is relatively short and typically focuses on parenting, life lessons or friendships. I also throw in a recipe my family is loving and clever ideas I stumble upon.

And while I love creating content for the blog and Instagram, I feel passionate about sharing what I know and love about relationships and the importance of nurturing those. Do you know that one of the best predictors of longevity is in fact the quality of our relationships? (WSJ) That is powerful. I have so much more to share on that and am working on something near and dear to my heart. And while it’s a bit scary to pivot, I know I can’t ignore the tug I am feeling. I will never let go of the blog, but I do pray this next step is one worth taking.

Please know how much I value you taking a minute out of your day to be here. And I hope you’ll join us each Thursday evening where we keep the conversation going. Can’t wait to share more about the next step in this journey.

A few kinds words from readers:

“Powerful! I’ll be applying that. I’ve always said our kids are a mirror of our stress and energy..but adopting the thermostat. Thank you for invoking your wisdom on us all!” – C

“Loved your email! Just reading it brings me joy and peace . . . ordinary moments are the ones that bring back the most memories. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight. Love you, friend!” – J

“I know I’ve said this before but I have to say it again – this morning’s newsletter was incredible. Thank you! Hope you have a great weekend.” – B


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