Trapped in its own invention

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Addiction need not be something that you are barred from, they might not be life threatening but addictions of any kind are harmful for anyone. Living your life is not an easy process. You go through highs and lows, phases of happiness and unhappiness, phases of accolades and failures and everything has a deep impact on us. We try and every effort meets results. You might fail or not perform as you thought or you might come out in flying colours. In earlier times we used to do things on our own , there were no gadgets to depend on. Today what bothers me most is the excessive use of gadgets. I can see everyone glued on a screen and its usage has become an addiction. We all have become so addicted to a screen that we are forgetting to connect in person. We are forgetting to rely on our abilities. We are trying to solve our problems ourselves and in doing so we are losing our connections. The gadget knows more than we do, I agree but what are we humans here for, to be on our own. You must have heard the phrase ‘ man is a social animal,’ but are we being social. Life is easy they say that these gadgets help you do work faster and more efficiently. Hours on a gadget are leading to physical and mental problems. We look for answers for everything on our own and here is the dangerous part as I see small kids on the phones who are not experienced enough to understand what suddenly comes on screen. We have started self diagnosis of anything that happens to us which leads to complications and disrupts the peace of mind. Every new discovery or invention is good and has a purpose but what we humans do is become totally dependent on it and just cannot think or communicate on our own and this is something that really bothers me when I see it around. I see the increase in stress levels, frustration, irritation and other physical or mental issues. Right from fitness to diet are being monitored by gadgets. The lack of physical activity is creating health issues and we again depend on the various online apps to guide us and monitor us. Strenuous physical activities in closed air conditioned environments, with no fresh air or sunlight are creating a big impact on human beings. This change has been noticeable in these couple of years. The long hours of work , seated, glued on the screens, with no fixed working hours has been creating a huge impact on people. I am not against progress but I am amazed at how something created by a genius mind has totally complicated the mind which stays lazy as it has become addicted to what it had discovered and has become trapped in its own invention.


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