Yoga for women’s health

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The word “Yoga” or “Yog” is derived from “Yuj”, a Sanskrit word which means “to join” or “to unite”. It is a practice that helps one connect with the inner mind or consciousness. It brings a connection between the body and the soul, thereby bringing perfect harmony within. Regular Yoga practice brings physical fitness, breath awareness, connection with the mind and finally the inner self. Today, Yoga is practiced across the world, bringing physical fitness and inner to million men and women.
Today’s woman is a multi-tasker. Unlike older times, her duties are not limited to household chores. She is a mother, a sister and a wife and an educated independent woman, who tries endlessly to maintain a balance between Home and career. Since women are like the roots of the tree of society, it is essential to keep them strong—mentally and physically. Let’s understand the importance of women’s health and how Yoga can help them reach their fittest.

Why is Women’s Health Important
Women are the caretakers of the family. They are responsible for the health of their spouse and children. Illness or death of a woman negatively impacts children, spouse, family and community. Women with healthy mind and body are likely to enhance the family’s health. Hence, it would be appropriate to say that women’s health is the key to a healthy community.

Since women play so many roles in life, they tend to focus on the healthcare of their loved one and neglect their personal needs. This neglect, though filled with love, is the root cause of many diseases that women face. Women need to understand the importance of their health and its effects on their family and loved ones.

What Has Changed Over the Years
Women’s life and their roles have changed drastically over the years. In former days, women’s life was limited to household chores. It was a full-time stay-at-home responsibility. Let aside having a career, women were not even allowed to step out of their homes. It was limited to the kitchen, household duties and childbearing. They were denied the right to education as well. In those conditions as well, women had some time for themselves and physical activity was an add-on to their daily duties. However, things have changed over time, women are now front runners and are competing with men in many fields, and that too without compromising with household duties. These jobs often involve long sitting hours and reduced physical activity, thereby affecting overall health. Hence, it is the need of the hour to take time out for some physical activity as well.




How To Improve – Various Steps
With busy schedules & unhealthy eating habits, we have invited a lot of diseases and lifestyle issues. Today, every fourth woman is facing PCOS and infertility issues. Lack of physical activity in any form further adds to our problems. According to National Center for Biotechnology Information about 23% of the urban Indian female population is obese. It is vital that one follows the below steps in order to improve overall health.

Balance Diet – Prefer a home-cooked meal over ready-to-eat or processed food.

Workout – Exercise each day for at least 30 mins. This could be a walk, gym, Zumba etc. It just needs to involve physical activity

Yoga – Many feel benefits of yoga for women is a myth, but that’s not true. As per a recent study by National Center for Biotechnology Information about 92.16% of people who practice yoga have found that yoga has changed their lifestyle for good.

Meditate – Meditating helps reduce stress, relieves from anxiety and improves mental health

Water – Water intake is crucial to keep body hydrated and clean from toxins. It even maximises brain function and prevents kidney stones.

Work-life balance – Having a career is great, but one must ensure that they do have an active life as well. Spending time with family, going on a vacation not only act as a mood refresher but can improve our productivity as well.

Yoga – A Blessing from Ancient Times
Yoga is a practice that has been around us for years. For a period of time, it was overlooked. However recently, this workout has become a trendsetter not only in India but across the globe. The great thing about it is that you can do it from anywhere – home, ashram or your office. The basic premise is that it focuses on the inner self and self-awareness. Yoga has three forms – pranayama (breathing exercise), asanas (Yoga postures) and savasana (resting period).

It has been proven that regular yoga practice not only brings mental peace but also improves blood circulation, increases mindfulness, and improves metabolism and digestion thereby helping weight loss.

Women, career-oriented or homemakers, always have their plates full of responsibilities. So much so that it would seem impossible had they not been multi-tasking at so many levels. They are always worried about something or the other all the time. This is where yoga comes as a blessing. Simple breathing exercises help women calm down and act with grace and efficiency. It balances the body and the soul. It is beneficial in so many ways that it is advised to take yogic practice as a daily chore and not a leisure activity. Yoga for women has done wonders, one just needs to be regular in practice.

Yoga for Women’s Health and Fertility
Now that we have discussed the importance of yoga in women’s health and eventually community health. Let’s discuss a few asanas with their benefits for women

·         Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)

This forward bending asana involved sitting leg stretched and bending further to close the gap between the chest and thighs, touching the toes and placing the head on the legs. Remain in this posture for 30 seconds and repeat. This posture is beneficial in losing tummy fat, stretching shoulder and back muscles, losing hamstring pain (which is quite common in women). It also calms nervous system, treats high blood pressure and infertility and tones internal organs

·         Veerabhadrasana (Warrior pose)

Warrior pose is one of the most unique asanas as it combines both standing and balancing movements of the body. It enhances our awareness of body positioning. In this pose, one leg is bent forward at an angle of 90 degrees while the other backfoot stretching backward at an angle of 15 degrees, hands straight up in the air. Hold for 20 seconds at least and repeat. This asana helps maintain balance and strengthens back muscles, hamstring and shoulder muscles and joints

·         Marjiarasana (Cat/cow pose)

This marvelous pose involves being on all four limbs and moving the spine up and down. This simple asana has multiple benefits. It brings flexibility to the spine, massages internal organs thereby improving digestion and metabolism, relaxes the mind and strengthens wrists and shoulders. One must practice Marjiarasana 30-50 times to reap maximum benefits.

·         Shishuasana (Child pose)

This is one of the most relaxing poses which involves sitting on the ankle and slowly bending forward in such a manner that the forehead touches the ground; arms can be placed either on the back or at the side of the body. This asana is called child pose as it relates to a relaxing posture of a child in its mother’s arms. Child pose gently massages and tones internal organs and muscles along with providing a good stretch to the body. It helps eliminate back and neck pain and relaxes muscles; rejuvenating the whole body.

·         Ardha Chakrasana (Standing backward bend)

This backward bending pose stretches the entire body which helps tone the arm and shoulder muscles and provides a great stretch to the spine. It is considered as one of the best exercises to reduce lower back pain and cure respiratory disorders. In this pose, one needs to stand straight with feet together and arms on the side of the body. Take a deep breath in and stretch upwards, extending arms overhead and palms facing each other. Breathe out while you gently bend backward and tighten your glutes. Hold in this posture for 10 secs and repeat.





·         Hastapadasana (Standing Forward bend)

After bending backward asana, it is often advised to practice a forward bending asana as it allows the body to relax. For this asana, stand still with your hands on the side of your body, take a deep inhale and raise both hands above your head. Now with an exhale bend forward arms touching the floor or your ankles and try to touch your head with the knees. Hold for about 10 seconds and repeat. It stretches almost all the muscles in the body, improves the flexibility of the spine and also increases blood circulation. Please note that people suffering from low back injuries, cervical pain, spinal problems or Spondylitis must not practice this pose.

·         Utkatasana (Chair pose)

The chair pose is an interesting yet challenging asana, where you imagine yourself sitting in a chair. It is not as comfortable a posture as it sounds. Holding in this pose for long is tough for many. Stand straight with hands on the side of your body, now bring your arms in front without bending your elbows, now bend both knees and try to push pelvis (hip) down as if sitting on an imaginary chair. Ensure that the hands are parallel to the floor and that u do not slouch. This pose tones the ankle, thighs, leg and knee. It is a great exercise for the spine, hips and chest muscles. It is an asana that enhances balance in the body. Please note that people with chronic knee pain, arthritis or sprained ankle must not try this posture.

·         Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep)

This is the ultimate relaxing pose, which is generally practiced towards the end of the yoga session. It involves laying down straight on the mat, eyes closed and trying to relax the whole body. This pose helps the nervous system absorb all the effects of yoga postures practiced.



·         Baddha Konasana (Butterfly pose)

Butterfly pose is a sitting posture asana that involves sitting with back straight and feet together such that the soles touch each other bound by hands. Try to bring your feet as close to your inner thighs as possible. Now, start moving your knees up and down like the wings of a butterfly. This asana got its name from the movement of legs like a butterfly. This asana provides a great stretch to the inner thighs, groin and knees, helps intestines and bowel movement. Pregnant ladies and those who are planning to start a family benefit most from this asana as it improves fertility and facilitates smooth pregnancy. However, people with chronic knee pain or groin injury must not practice this pose


Yoga and meditation as simple exercises with great benefits that do not require heavy machinery or equipment or weight lifting. It only requires a Yoga mat and the motivation to practice daily. If practiced regularly, yoga can transform a person physically, mentally and spiritually. It creates a bond between the body, mind and the divine. So common ladies, Let’s bring the change we want to be and transform our lives with Yoga.


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